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RTI Half Year Meeting 2022

Marrakech, Marokko Marrakech, Marokko

Since Covid-19 pandemic, our lives have been turned upside by the restrictions and travel limitations, but the thirst for travel of all Tablers & RT Family has only grown. Now that RTI HYM Marrakech is here, we'll make up for lost time. With a population of 36 millions, Morocco has so far a successful vaccination campaign and has reached a rate of nearly 50% of its population fully vaccinated. The sanitary controls at the borders are efficient, which makes it possible to offer our visitors optimal reception conditions. All Round Table Family members vaccinated against the Covid are finally able to [...]

AGM 2022

Woerden Woerden, Nederland

Kijk op https://www.agm2022.nl


Technohub Industrieweg 2b, Woerden, Nederland